IN PICS: Bett Asia 2016 - defining the future of education
The Bett Asia 2016 summit took place this week in Kuala Lumpur, gathering all the leading policymakers, researchers and most forward thinking educators in Asia Pacific.
Top of mind was how the digital era is transforming education and why educators need to embrace the change.
Transforming learning for the digital era has been the top agenda at this year's Bett Asia 2016 summit, with everyone eager to see what is brewing for the future (and the present) in these disruptive times of digitisation.
In between invaluable keynotes, vendors from across the world displayed their innovative wares in an effort to penetrate the market in Asia Pacific. In addition, Microsoft set up real learning scenarios with children picked from Malaysian schools to show the technology in action, creating wonder amongst the many spectators.
One thing that came from the conference is for certain - the digital age is here and now, and educators need to embrace the change to ensure our kids of the future are prepared with all the digital skills they need.
Have a look at some of the pictures below, taken throughout the duration of the Summit.