Positives outweigh internet risks, survey finds
Safer Internet Day kicks off today, with many organisations marking the day across the world.
While the internet brings a tonne of benefits to both individuals and businesses, new research from InternetNZ suggests security is a major concern.
However, according to the research, 89% of Kiwis say the positives of using the internet outweigh the negatives.
Despite this, the research, which was commissioned by InternetNZ last year, also shows that more than two thirds (72%) of Kiwis are concerned about threats to personal security online.
So are we really safe online?
"What this research tells us is that we each need to take personal responsibility for staying safe online," InternetNZ chief executive Jordan Carter says.
"It's a great reminder to check in with yourself and ask if you and your family are taking steps to ensure you are safe online," he explains.
"Do you have unique passwords? Do you always lock your devices? Do you know how to back-up your tech? Do you know who to go to if you are being harassed online?
"Do you know how to claim your privacy, and protect your messages from unwanted eyes?," Carter asks.
"So much of our lives take place online - we work, bank, email, socialise, shop and entertain ourselves on the internet," he says.
"So it's more important than ever that we take steps to protect ourselves on the internet."
Netsafe has put together some resources full of advice about how to stay safe online. They include, tips and how-to guides for social media, online shopping, dealing with bullying and updating and backing up your tech.
Additionally, InternetNZ published a short video to show you what messaging apps are private. Go to internetnz.nz/myprivacy to check it out.