Review: FitBit One
The FitBit One is one of those devices that utilises modern technology to entice people to start exercising.
FitBit One not only measues the amount of steps taken, but also the amount of floors climbed, total distance travelled, calories burned and even measuring sleep quality. To get the most out of the FitBit One, you need to create an online account as it helps to track your statistics. You can also add information about yourself like height, weight, etc to get further customisation. The FitBit One will either wirelessly sync via the provided USB dongle or via Bluetooth on select devices. The FitBit One also tries to make exercise a game by awarding you badges for walking a certain amount of steps in a day, climbing a number of floors, etc.
- Setup is fairly easy, plugging in the tracker starts the installation of the software for wireless updating.
- App is available for both Apple and Android phones.
- Wireless auto syncing for PCs.
- When using it to track sleeping patterns, you can set up a silent alarm that vibrates.
- Awards encourage more exercise as well as challenging friends to participate.
- Works alongside many other applications e.g. FitnessPal
- Sweat, rain, and splash proof.
- Runs on imperial measurement system, therefore the device itself and FitBit user accounts are only available in feet, inches, miles, etc.
- Bluetooth available only on iPhones phones.
- FitBit App for Android is very basic and doesn't completely reflect the information online.
- If youre looking for a modern day pedometer that does more than just count your steps, then this is the device for you - if you can look past the use of the imperial measuring system.