Sony explains PS4 ‘fail’ at Tokyo Games Show
A few days ago at the Tokyo Game Show, a PS4 failed to respond to the controller and to the PlayStation App on a Japanese live TV broadcast.
Sony President Shuhei Yoshida himself called the problem an "epic fail".
To make matters worse, E3, the console crashed during the reveal of Assassin’s Creed 4 at the press conference.
As a result, Shuhei Yoshida took to twitter to explain the failings:
@yosp ps4 is crashing allot. Is that a issue consumers will have to worry about ?— Adnan Janjua (@aajjanjua) September 24, 2013
@aajjanjua where is PS4 crushing?— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) September 24, 2013
@yosp Crashing. Like at the Tokyo game show and at e3. Is that a problem ?— Adnan Janjua (@aajjanjua) September 24, 2013
@aajjanjua I'm not aware, what are you talking about?— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) September 24, 2013
@yosp do you remember when the ps4 crashed at the entertainment expo when they show cased assassins creed black flag ?— Adnan Janjua (@aajjanjua) September 24, 2013
@aajjanjua that was a game and the system still in development, not throughly tested— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) September 24, 2013
@yosp what about at the Tokyo game show when that lady was playing playroom and ps4 didn't respond ?— Adnan Janjua (@aajjanjua) September 24, 2013
@aajjanjua wireless interference on the show floor— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) September 24, 2013
Will this have a negative impact on PlayStation 4 sales? Tell us your thoughts below