Spammers exploit Mother's Day
Spam messages relating to Mother’s Day have begun flowing into the Symantec Probe Network, as Kiwis are warned to stay vigilant online.
The security solutions provider says by clicking the subsequent URL contained in the spam message, users are automatically redirected to a website containing a bogus Mother’s Day offer upon completion of a fake survey.
In an attempt to keep New Zealanders alert to any potential breaches this weekend, Symantec have released screenshots of potential spam messages, as shown below.
Survey spam targeting Mother’s Day
Once the survey is completed, a page is then displayed asking the user to enter their personal information in order to receive the bogus offer.
Fake survey
Bogus Web page asking for personal information
Another dodgy website related to Mother’s Day
The following are some of the Subject lines observed for these spam attacks:
Subject: Don't Forget Mother's Day - $19.99 Chocolate, Dipped StrawberriesSubject: Stunning Personalized Gifts for Mother's DaySubject: Top Personalized Mother's Day GiftsSubject: Make Mother's Day Special With A Personalized GiftSubject: Mother's Day Car Deal (Half Off Every Make And Model)Subject: Regarding Mothers DaySubject: Celebrate Mom with a $19.99 bouquet.Subject: Mother's Day Replica's Women's AccessoriesSubject: Mother's Day Secret Formula.
"Symantec advises readers to use caution when receiving unsolicited or unexpected emails," a company blog post read.
"We are closely monitoring Mother’s Day spam attacks to ensure that readers are kept up to date with information on the latest threats."
Have you received any Mother's Day spam? Tell us your thoughts below