Stephen King novel hidden online
Stephen King's UK publisher Hodder - Stoughton has launched the biggest ever game of literary hide-and-seek online. King's much-awaited epic novel Under the Dome, featuring over 100 characters and running to 336,114 words, has been broken into more than 5,000 snippets and scattered across hundreds of websites and locations throughout the UK.Fans are being encouraged to piece the book back together before its worldwide release on 10th November. Extracts of the book have been hidden across Stephen King fan sites as well as horror, thriller and lifestyle websites, and offline. Condé Nast websites GQ.com and Wired.co.uk are official campaign partners, with both sites hiding snippets from the book as part of the competition. Fans are invited to continue this hiding process and also to find the snippets using the clues given on www.stephenking.co.uk and deliver them back to the Website. Under the Dome is King's largest work since The Stand. The story explores what happens to a Maine town when an invisible barrier suddenly seals it off from the rest of the world. Speaking of the book, Stephen King comments: "I tried this once before when I was a lot younger, but the project was just too big for me. But it was a terrific idea and it never entirely left my mind . . . and every now and then it would say write me, and eventually I did. I sure hope people like it." As pieces are found they will appear on http://www.stephenking.co.uk , enabling fans to move them around and link them together to form bigger sections of the book. Also on the site are clues to help 'seekers' find text and a forum for fans to discuss the snippets they've found.