Telcos agree to allow payments via phone bills
New Zealand mobile phone users will soon be able to make low-cost digital content purchases without having to reveal their credit card or bank account details, thanks to a new scheme being developed by the Telecommunications Carriers’ Forum (TCF).
A release from the organisation states that telcos 2degrees, Telecom and Vodafone have developed a framework for the scheme, dubbed PayforitNZ, in conjunction with the Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ).
It is now up to each telco to roll out their own PayforitNZ service, which should happen before the end of the year.
Under the scheme, customers will be able to make purchases on their mobile phone accounts, providing a safe environment for consumers and in turn generating repeat business for content providers.
Customers do not need to sign up or register any details, or even type in their phone number, as PayforitNZ will automatically detect the user’s number from their mobile network.
The scheme is based on the British Payforit service which was introduced in 2006.
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