The answer to next year's curriculum in one equation
MYOB Education offers the smartest solutions for you and your students, providing access to the latest software designed specifically for the local business environment to give your students the practical accounting experience they need.
New Zealand's most trusted software company, MYOB, has just added the latest version of its flagship accounting software, MYOB AccountRight to its education range.
AccountRight 2015.3 offers powerful accounting with business management capabilities. The software features the latest auto bank reconciliation, giving students valuable experience in importing bank transactions.
MYOB AccountRight is ideal for students considering a career in accountancy or business management – or even future business owners. The software meets NCEA Achievement Standards and is a key solution to assist and support your teaching.
For practical online accounting experience, the company's cloud-based accounting solution, MYOB Essentials, is an easy way for students to master the business basics. The solution offers a wide range of features, including quoting and invoicing, tracking business expenses, managing simple inventory and payroll.
MYOB Essentials will benefit you and your students by letting them experience the accounting software in action. Students can see a demonstration of a working business, and then establish their own business and manage the full spectrum of operational activities.
MYOB Essentials is extremely easy to set up – and your version will always be current, with the latest features and compliance changes updated automatically.
MYOB Essentials, plus the new edition of AccountRight, equals an excellent decision for your curriculum – priced to save you money. Each student added to Essentials will receive six months free access, and there are no limits to the number of students added. You can also add and remove access, quickly and easily.
For teachers and tutors, there are online training resources, as well as unlimited phone and LiveChat support – everything you need to help your students get the most from their study.
Sign up before October 31 and you will go in the draw to win a $1,000 voucher from OfficeMax supplies. For more information, visit www.myob.co.nz/lea