The kiwi story
This awesome website is devoted to finding and showcasing great New Zealand businesses. From kiwi food and fashion, NZ arts and culture, top travel destinations, innovative kiwi technology and more, you can explore the great kiwi businesses listed on this site and help spread the word across the rest of the world. One of our personal favourites is 'Edible Beds' in Auckland – a one-stop shop for organic veggie and herb gardens planted for you by the pros at the store. Edible Beds is the perfect way to "turn your lawns into lunch organically" and all of their packages come complete with certified organic compost and pea straw in an untreated macrocarpa raised bed. This is a wonderful way to cut down on produce bills at the grocery store, get outside for some fresh air and eat healthier. We think it's about time to take advantage of the great veggie-growing conditions we have here in New Zealand! (www.ediblebeds.co.nz) The kiwi story is a great site to visit to find awesome kiwi made products, activities and souvenirs that you may otherwise never have known existed!