Top 5 celeb technology blunders
JASON BATEMAN: Actor Jason Bateman (Arrested Development) lost some fans when he used his celebrity status to cut in line at a Los Angeles Apple store last year. Bateman asked Apple employees to escort him to the front of a line of 2,000 waiting people to score a new iPhone 4. Bateman later apologized via Twitter and said he hadn't been aware of any booing.
CAMERON DIAZ: Cameron Diaz is the web's most dangerous celebrity, according to the folk at McAfee. Research by the security company revealed that searching for images, screensavers and videos of the actress gives you a 1 in 10 chance of landing on a malicious web page. Runners up include Julia Roberts and Jessica Biel.
MILEY CYRUS: Teen queen Miley Cyrus was said to have died in a plane crash last year, but it turned out to be just an internet hoax, and potential virus! Symantec warned of an explosion in malicious spam messages reading along the lines of "Miley Cyrus died" in August, 2010.
STEPHEN COLBERT: Stephen Colbert whipped out an iPad during the 2010 Grammy Awards in January – more than three months before Apple's tablet computer became generally available. Woops.
PRINCE: In an interview with British tabloid 'The Daily Mirror', singer Prince boldly announced that "the internet is completely over." Hmmm, are you sure you're not thinking of your career, Prince?