Top 5: Tips for xmas online shopping
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas with decorations spreading like wildfire throughout shopping centres.
But before you start to relive last year’s shopping nightmares, take a deep breath.
This year, why not shop online to avoid the traffic, long lines and crowds?
More and more retailers are offering their products online to suit the growing popularity of shopping at home, in your pyjamas so take advantage to save yourself time, money and hassle.
Here are five ways to help you keep money in your wallet and the stress far away this holiday season according to ANZ buying company LivingSocial:
1. Make a list. And check it twice:
Have you ever gone shopping without a list, and come home with heaps of goods that you didn’t set out to buy in the first place?
Writing down a list of gift ideas is the easiest way to control your spending habits. It’s pretty simple, if it’s not on the list, don’t get it.
Preparing your shopping list early will also allow you the time to shop around for a great deal before the last-minute crowd takes over.
Once you have your list, and your discipline to stick to it, everything else should be easy.
2. Be realistic:
Look at your bank account and set aside a certain amount of money that you’re comfortable with spending on gifts. Match up items on your list with your budget and plan ahead.
Be prepared to pay regular price for your gifts, so that if you find a great deal, you can reward yourself with the savings.
3. Shop around:
It’s a good idea to scan some online stores for the things on your shopping list. Check often to keep tabs on upcoming sales and limited-time promotions. Start looking for these deals right now.
Retailers are already starting to offer deals to early shoppers. A regular scan of online stores will help you seek out the best offers to make the most savings.
4. Be cautious:
There are going to be a lot of deals this season, all promising great savings. Just remember to stick to your list. Some offers can make products seem more appealing.
Look out for deals that fit the description of items from your list and make sure that the product suits your standards. Make smart purchases based on the product, not the price.
5. Enjoy the holidays!
Shopping online saves you time and money, so spend that extra time with your loved ones. Isn’t that what the holidays are all about?
Get your shopping stress over with sooner rather than later, snatch up those online offers, and then hit the beach. The weather is only going to get nicer, and once you have your shopping out of the way, you can relax. Enjoy the holidays! That’s what they’re here for.
Do you shop online at xmas? Tell us your preferences below