Veteran fighting series returns to PC: Ultra Street Fighter IV...
Capcom’s Street Fighter series has been giving players calloused hands for almost three decades now.
The latest game in the series, Ultra Street Fighter IV has now made the jump from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, which were released earlier in the year, to the PC.
Apart from the odd dabble over the years, the last time that I seriously played a Street Fighter game was SFII on the Commodore Amiga way back in the early 90s.
And the fighting game genre has come a long way since then.
We’ve seen pixels give way to polygons as fighting games made the jump into the 3D dimension. But all the while the Street Fighter series has maintained the same visual style that made it look so good back in the day.
Ultra Street Fighter IV’s cell-shaded 3D models allows for a beautiful and modern-looking level of detail whilst retaining the unmistakable cartoon-ish Street Fighter visual style. With the optional rendering effects for ink, watercolour and poster effects, everybecomes a work of art. This a one attractive-looking game.
I was able to run the game at 1920x1080 with all the settings maxed out on Game Console's i7-3820 32GB GTX680 gaming rig, with only a stutter when saving- which was admittedly a bit odd, but not a deal breaker.
For the uninitiated the Street Fighter games have been around forever and feature an international cast of colourful combatants fighting each other in locations around the world. The action is mental-fast with matches often becoming nothing more than a blur.
Ultra Street Fighter IV gives players immediate access to a roster of over forty fighters from the series’ history, each one with a number of costume and ability options. There’s also almost thirty locations to fight across from a North American skyscraper to south Asian streets.
Each character is meticulously detailed and retains all their signature moves, which veterans are going to instantly recognise.
As you’d expect the game comes complete with a number of different game modes. Arcade mode is your basic story mode, which'll have you grinding through a selection of AI fighters. Verses allows you to pick a fight with any character in any arena, either against the AI or a friend sitting next to you.
Multiplayer battle sends you online for what was, for me, a very sobering experience with a ninja-fingered opponents. The challenges mode allows you to partake in the game’s bonus mini-games like smashing up a car and breaking barrels. Then there’s the training mode, where you can practice moves. A place where I really need to spend more time.
Ultra Street Fight IV is a beautiful game. You could say that the fighting game has moved on from the cartoon quick-quick-slow Street Fighter style of combat. But under its modern-retro styling there’s a sophisticated set of game mechanics providing an experience that’s both fun and challenging.
Up against the likes of Dead or Alive, Tekken and even DC’s Injustice, the game does seem bit old-school, but there is a reason why Street Fighter has endured. And that reason has been captured perfectly in Ultra Street Fighter IV.
Verdict: 7/10