Wellington school set to receive cool million dollar investment
The Government ill invest around $1.1 million into Raroa Normal Intermediate School in Wellington, in order to build two new classrooms.
Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye says the investment is part of a third round of investments in new classrooms under Budget 2016.
Kaye says the school has an increasing roll and the extra classrooms are a means to expand capacity.
Budget 2016 provides $882.5 million for school property, including new classrooms nationwide to meet roll growth.
"Under the first two rounds, $6.1 million was announced last year for 20 additional classrooms in the Greater Wellington region, including Wairarapa," says Kaye.
Kaye says the new teaching spaces at Raroa will be modular buildings, which means they meet standards of modern, permanent structures but have the added advantage of being more adaptable.
"We're committed to providing extra capacity for schools that need it," she adds.
"As well as new classrooms to meet roll growth, we're also investing in redevelopments to modernise schools and address issues such as leaky buildings," she explains.
Since November 2015, the Government has invested around $117 million in redevelopments for schools in the Wellington area, including Aotea College, Wellington East Girls' College, Thorndon School, Newtown School, Kelburn Normal School, Khandallah School, Ngaio School, Northland School, Churton Park School and Brooklyn School.
Stay tuned: Kaye says more announcements about new investments in roll growth classrooms will be made over the next seven days.