Whangarei is the next region to Jump the digital divide
More students in Whangarei will be able to keep up with today's digital skills through Taitokerau Education Trust and Whangarei Central Library.
Spark Jump and 20/20 Trust head north to bring subsidised broadband to community hubs in the region.
As classroom learning goes digital, Jump aims to be a way to ensure the home environment can keep up. This means more school-aged children can get online outside of class.
This latest addition to the Spark Jump roster will see families in the area get the opportunity to bring affordable internet access into their homes.
The Whangarei Central Library can now take families through the 20/20 Trust's Stepping Up programme, which helps them set up and manage their connections.
Taitokerau Education Trust executive officer Liz Cassidy-Nelson says it's a chance to close the skills gap and thus start closing the digital divide.
"Access to the internet is critical in getting all our children better placed to succeed in school and later in life. We know that one of the challenges of getting home broadband is affordability and Spark Jump will help more families in Whangarei open the door to the digital world for their children.
Spark Foundation GM Lynne le Gros says she's proud they can help even more communities move further into digital inclusion.
"We're pleased to serve communities around the country with a truly useful product like subsidised broadband. We're excited to see Spark Jump turn more homes in Whangarei into digital learning environments and enable more students to thrive in the digital world.