What do Kiwis get up to on Facebook?
At an event held in Auckland this week, social media giant Facebook took a closer look at how New Zealanders spent their time on the platform.
More than 2.5 million Kiwis are active on Facebook every month. Of that group, 1.9 million Kiwis use Facebook every day, a number that the company says is "an indication of just how much Facebook is a daily, integral part of their lives.
According to a Nielsen survey, 'Kiwis on Facebook', conducted in January this year, young adults and mothers are especially active on the platform.
The survey revealed 85% of people aged 18-24 and 82% of mums said Facebook was a part of their regular, daily activity.
The survey also revealed that mobile is the go-to screen for Facebook users. More than 1.5 million Kiwis access Facebook every day on-the-go with a mobile device as their primary touchpoint.
Video consumption is exploding. Globally, there are over 3 billion daily video views on Facebook, 65% of which happen on mobile. Kiwis' consumption of video has contributed to this global video boom, with almost 1 in 2 Kiwis on Facebook watching videos on the platform every week.
Dual screening was also a big trend observed by the social network.
The company says over 1 in 2 Kiwis use Facebook as a regular companion while watching television. This figure is especially higher for mums, with 2 in 3 mothers dual screening some, most or all of the time when watching television.
Facebook is also a huge traffic referrer.
While many Kiwis say they use Facebook primarily to stay connected with friends and family, the survey revealed nearly 8 in 10 also make product and brand discoveries while scrolling through their Newsfeed.
Of this, over half would find out more about the product by either sharing or talking about it on Facebook or going on to learn more on the company's website.