What Is The Tomorrow Children On PlayStation 4 About?
A new PS4 game has been released called The Tomorrow Children. We gave the game a go and it's unlike many other titles out there.
The basic premise of the game is that it imagines a world that has somewhat been turned into nothingness thanks to an experiment gone wrong by the Soviet Union. In order to rebuild the world, clones called "projections" are created to try and make the place populated again.
The presentation of The Tomorrow Children really nails the look and and feel of the Soviet Union back in the '50s. The graphics are grainy and the colours are washed out. Not to mention there's no English voice-overs as everyone speaks in a foreign language.
The clone projections are little kids that are forced to bring back the world from "The Void". Basically, the world is like life before the Universe was created and you have to build cities by collecting resources and more.
The Tomorrow Children is a mix between No Man's Sky and Minecraft, although it's less fun and not as straightforward as the other titles I just mentioned. The main problem I have with this game is just how unfriendly it is in terms of telling the player what to do.
Basically during the tutorial, it tells you the basics such as how to move around and collect resources. After the tutorial is over, you are sent to a city and left on your own. I had no idea what to do after that and I had go on YouTube and ask friends for help.
It's a game where you have to guess what to do and you're required to read all of the signs that are located in the first city. However, it never told me not to stray too far from the city that I would get swallowed by clouds. It also never told me that I needed to catch a bus in order to collect resources.
That's the other annoying thing about this game. You have to wait for transport to get to you before you can travel anywhere. I remember being at the other side of the town and missed the bus. I had to wait several minutes again in order to get out of there to collect more resources.
The online aspect of the game is the only helpful thing about it. You and other players online are tasked to build structures to make the city thrive again. It's a team effort and everyone so far has been really helpful. When a city has been rebuilt, you are able to go elsewhere to do it all over again.
In essence this game is like No Man's Sky. It can get repetitive, but the online aspect of the game is free. You don't need PlayStation Plus in order to log-in and play it. It's also worth mentioning that the game is procedurally generated so no two towns or mines should look the same.
There is also combat in this game as huge robots will try to attack the town. I saw a Godzilla like robot roaming around and it was quite fun taking him down with the turrets that are located around town.
As of right now, The Tomorrow Children is in early access. It will be free to play in the near future for everyone on PS4 to enjoy. Hopefully when the game becomes free to play, it will be more user-friendly. At its state right now, the lack of instructions to guide the player really hurts the experience.