Why queue up for an iPhone when a robot can do it for you?
Around the world, people are rubbing their hands together in anticipation for the new iPhone. The problem with that is lots of people normally equals lots of queues.
Spark announced the iPhone 7 will be available in-stores and online on Friday, September the 16th. The only people rubbing their hands together then will be frozen lines trying to warm up.
Spark decided to ease some of that pain, as general manager customer and marketing, Clive Ormerod explains.
"Queuing is an iconic part of new device fan culture," says Ormerod. "People will camp for days outside stores to get their hands on the latest devices. We thought, technology these days is so much more advanced than it used to be, so why shouldn't our customers have their tech queue for them instead?
Spark brought one hundred Alpha 1 robots to New Zealand to stand in line on your behalf. Ormerod affirms the 'robot army' wasn't just for the novelty, but about expressing how technology can work to their customers' benefit.
"We wanted to give our existing customers an experience of the atmosphere and excitement of the queue, without actually having to line up and wait it out until launch day," Ormerod says. "By having a robot queue for them, they can get on with their lives and still be first to get the newest device.
Each robot that is paired with Spark customer is equipped with a device that allows the customer to live-stream into the queue (regardless of where they may be) in the lead-up to the phone going on sale.
To keep things interesting, customers can control the robots' actions via a smartphone app. Press-ups, kung fu, yoha, Olympic sports and even dancing are all possible to keep everyone entertained.
On the big day, customers that queued in the robot queue will not only get their precious iPhone, but also get to keep the robot. Double bonus! You can check out the robot queues in Auckland, Hamilton and Christchurch.