Xbox One games dropping in price in NZ
Xbox NZ has announced that several blockbuster games will be receiving a price drop from April 1st. Some of the games included are Sunset Overdrive, Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Forza Horizon 2 just to name a few. With the Easter Break coming up very soon, April will be the best time to go and buy some of the best games that Xbox has to offer. Check out the new prices as of April 1st below: Sunset Overdrive - $79.95 Halo: The Master Chief Collection - $79.95 Forza Horizon 2 - $79.95 Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox 360) - $69.95 Forza 5 GOTY - $49.95 Forza 5 - $39.95 Project Spark - $39.95 Kinect Sports Rivals - $39.95 Ryse: Son of Rome - $39.95 Ryse Legendary Edition - $49.95 Dead Rising 3 - $39.95 Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse - $49.95