Xbox One standalone Kinect gazing to stores in October
Microsoft has now announced that you can purchase a standalone Xbox One Kinect sensor starting from this October.
If you only have a standalone Xbox One console, now you can purchase the Kinect as well if you want one. It's also a great way for Xbox One owners to pick a spare Kinect if their original one gets broken for whatever reason.
The Xbox One Kinect will set you back $199.95 NZ RRP and will be available in October. The Kinect also comes packaged with Dance Central Spotlight which is the latest dancing game from Harmonix. The game is available as a digital download and comes with 10 great tunes for you to dance to.
The Xbox One Kinect can be used in more ways than just for motion sensor video games. You can use the Kinect to navigate through the UI using voice activation plus use it to Skype and more.