FutureFive New Zealand - Consumer technology news & reviews from the future

Jo Goodhew stories

Jo Goodhew, an influential figure with a discernible interest in the intersection between technology and public health, stands out through her involvement and responses to pressing societal issues. One of her noteworthy forays includes advocating for the safe use of WiFi in educational settings, affirming its non-harmful effects to both students and staff as validated by a Ministry of Health report. Her endorsement underscores a commitment to harnessing technological advancements while safeguarding public health.

Beyond her focus on health and safety, Goodhew has demonstrated a keen interest in fostering technological accessibility and advancement among the younger population. This is evident in her support for the establishment of new High Tech Youth Network studios in Dunedin and Penrose, Auckland. These initiatives spotlight her dedication to creating opportunities for youth engagement with technology, aiming to equip them with the skills and knowledge vital for navigating the digital age. Through these endeavors, Jo Goodhew emerges as a proactive advocate for the integration of technology in ways that benefit and empower communities.