ANZ gets first access to new PS Store
After a stuttering start the new-look PS Store is now up and running in most territories, and there’s some good news – it’s fast as anything.
Well, I say most territories because, amazingly, Australia and New Zealand have access to the new store before both the United Kingdom and the United States, which has to be a first for anything in the gaming industry, ever.
Issues with users not being able to add funds to their wallets and incredibly slow loading times led to Sony removing the new store shortly after it was launched.
But this issue has since been fixed in many areas including NZ, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Germany; in short, everywhere but America and Britain. Which is a nice change, though don’t tell anyone I said that.
But before we get too smug however, Sony is expecting to release the redesigned store in the US, Canada, Mexico and Brazil on October 23, so it appears we were the beta test for the real market. Oh well.
If you haven’t checked out the new store yet, it features a more modern design than the original and simplifies the previously complicated interface. Not to mention the far shorter time it takes to load.
The store now features a catalogue of more than 20,000 piece of downloadable content, with over 100,000 videos and TV shows – so it’s just as well the layout has been simplified.
What are your thoughts on the new PS Store? Is it an improvement, or did you like the old classic look?