Apple devices are easier to use than rival devices, says Jamf
As user choice drives Apple adoption in business and education, it reveals that Apple devices are in fact easier to manage than other rival devices, such as PC, Chromebook, and Android.
That's according to a global survey commissioned by Jamf the leader in Apple device management.
"The 2016 Apple Trends Survey confirms what Jamf has been seeing for some time," explains Dave Alampi, vice president of product management and marketing, Jamf.
The survey also showed that Apple is gaining within the enterprise. A total of 99% of businesses surveyed use Mac and 99% use iPhone, iPad or both.
Jamf claims that user preference is driving Apple's reach in the enterprise, and this demand for Apple is being met through device choice programs.
When asked how managing Apple devices stack up against the competition, those surveyed ranked Mac and iOS devices as easy, if not easier, to manage than other device brands.
Apple devices are also prominent in education. According to Jamf, 70% of K-12 schools use Mac, while a substantial 90% use iPad to enhance education.
Like the enterprise, the education sector agrees that Mac and iPad are easier to manage than other devices.
"Not only is Apple gaining momentum in the enterprise due to user preference, but IT is finding that with the right mobile device management solution, Mac, iPhone and iPad are easier to manage and enable a better overall experience for users.