Armageddon Expo 2014 was a tremendous success
Armageddon Expo 2014 could have been gone down as one of the event's best in history thanks to the number of high-profile celebrites that attended this year and more.
Armageddon Expo 2014 was held at the ASB Showgrounds across Labour Weekend and thousands upon thousands of people attended each day. Saturday was by far the busiest day of all as the event was close to selling out that day.
In terms of celebrities at this year's event, there were two big names this time around. Older fans flocked to see Richard Dean Anderson who is famous for both Stargate: SG-1 and the iconic MacGyver TV series. Doctor Who fans got to see Clara Oswald in the flesh played by the petite Jenna Coleman.
WWE wrestling fans had a chance to see "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan who had a Q&A session inside the IPW ring. Duggan is most famous for being noted as the first winner of the Royal Rumble match.
It wouldn't be an Armageddon event without lots of video games. The event actually managed to outdo this year's Digital Nationz by having more games for people to play.
Players got to get hands-on experience with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and even Mortal Kombat X. Both games were making their first appearances in New Zealand. Lots of people lined up to play those games.
PlayStation NZ brought out LittleBigPlanet 3, The Order: 1886, Singstar: Ultimate Party and Driveclub. PlayStation was sadly missing at Digital Nationz so it was good to see them here.
Xbox brought out a double whammy much like that did at Digital Nationz as people got to play both Sunset Overdrive and Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
What was even cooler was taking a look at the new Xbox One consoles. Sunset Overdrive comes bundled with a white console, while Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has cool decals on its console.
Outside of the main attractions, Armageddon Expo is also famous for the many specialty shops that attend so you can get yourself a real bargain. Stores from all across and New Zealand and sometimes even Australia come over so you can buy merchandise from just about anything.
For comic book fans, there were a ton of comic books for sale plus t-shirts, toys and more. I managed to see a cool Man of Steel model made from Hot Toys. This is the first time I have seen that figure in person, although I still don't have the money for it. If I had over $400 to spend on the figure, I would get it.
Mighty Ape were selling a ton of video games at bargain prices. The cheapest games I saw were Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines. Both games were selling for only $10 a pop. EB Games also attended selling a range of toys and games.
The most common piece of merchandise at Armageddon Expo were Pop Vinyl figurines. These little toys seemed to have been on sale at every store you went to. If you are addicted to collecting these figures, you would have been in heaven seeing all of them at Armageddon.
Lastly, it wouldn't be an Armageddon Expo without all of the cosplayers. This year a number of people dressed up as their favourite characters in very accurate and expensive looking costumes. The ones that caught my eye was a guy dressed up as Boba Fett while another person dressed up as Darth Vader.
The most common characters were people dressing up as Pikachu and Jedis. I dressed up for the first time ever being Bray Wyatt from the WWE. My costume didn't look as flash since it only cost me $10 in total...
I've been to the Auckland Armageddon Expo for 11 years now, but it appears the event only gets bigger and more popular as the years go by. This year's one was certainly very popular mainly due to the celebrities they managed to attract. It will be interesting to see if the 2015 event can exceed this year's one.