Battlefield 4 to help with transition to next-gen
DICE and EA have announced some further features to the PS4 and Xbox One editions of Battlefield 4 today.
They are boasting the best-in-class multiplayer, with the ability for 64 players battling it out together online at a smooth 60 fps.
Whether you are playing on Xbox 360 or PS3, the gaming giants would like to make your transition to next gen gaming easy.
“Today we are informing the devoted Battlefield community that all the time and effort you spend building up your Battlefield 4 stats will carry over when you upgrade from Xbox 360 to Xbox One and from the PS3 to PS4," the announcement reads.
So come October 31 gamers will not have to worry about ranking up all over again when they move to next-gen as the companies say “we got your back”.
Also whether you like this aspect or not Dice and EA have announced that Premium membership will return with Battlefield 4.
For your membership and extra dollars you can expect the following:
• Themed digital expansion packs
• New weekly content
• Personalisation Options One major added bonus with the Premium membership this time round is if you move to next gen your premium membership will transfer along with your stats, rank and unlocks.
Are you looking forward to the release of BF4? Tell us your thoughts below