Cryptic Studios warn of breach from December 2010
Cryptic Studios, publishers of the Star Trek Online and Champions Online MMOs, have sent an email to account holders informing them of a breach of its user database security that took place in December 2010.
The company says evidence of the breach has only just been uncovered 'due to increased security analysis'.
"The unauthorised access included user account names, handles, and encrypted passwords," the notice reads.
"Even though the passwords were encrypted, it is apparent that the intruder has been able to crack some portion of the passwords in this database.
Cryptic has reset the passwords of all the accounts that were present in the database at the time, and says there is no evidence additional data like credit card information was accessed.
"We are continuing to investigate this incident, and are taking even further action to strengthen our systems and redouble out security vigilance and protections.