Cyber threats 'skyrocket'
The findings of Symantec’s latest Internet Security Threat Report have showed more than 286 million new threats in last year.
The report warns of increases in both the frequency and sophistication of targeted attacks on enterprises; the continued growth of social networking sites as an attack distribution platform; and a change in attackers’ infection tactics.
Symantec MD Craig Scroggie explained, "With the increased popularity of social media, cybercriminals are now leveraging the popularity of shortened URLs to obtain confidential information. In addition, as more users download and install third-party applications for mobile devices, the possibility of installing malicious applications is also increasing.”
The report’s major findings included:
- 286 million new threats
- 93 percent increase in web-based attacks
- 260,000 identities exposed per
- 14 new zero-day vulnerabilities
- 6,253 new vulnerabilities
- 42 percent more mobile vulnerabilities
- One botnet with more than a million spambots
- 74 percent of spam related to pharmaceuticals
- $15 per 10,000 bots
- $0.07 to $100 per credit card
You can find the full report here as well a podcast on the findings.
Don’t have nightmares.