Dead Rising: Case West drops in December
Gaming site VG247 reports that it has obtained a fact sheet from Capcom for the upcoming Dead Rising 2 DLC Case West, which pegs the Xbox-360-exclusive downloadable episode with a December release.
Reportedly, Case West will be much like the overwhelmingly popular Dead Rising 2 downloadable prologue "Case Zero", which consisted of some four hours' worth of gameplay and encouraged repeat playthroughs. It's set immediately after the events of Dead Rising 2 and sees Dead Rising protagonist Frank West return to the fray alongside Dead Rising 2's Chuck Greene. This downloadable episode, unlike Case Zero, will support cooperative gameplay, and it will once again allow the player to earn Prestige Points (PP) by snapping photographs of zombies.
We'll post the exact release date and the price as soon as they become available. In the meantime, take another look at Case West's announcement trailer!