Flip launches mobile apps
Cisco has launched new smartphone apps and social software for its Flip fleet of mobile video devices.
The FlipShare software (which comes inside the Flip video camera) has been tweaked to include ‘FlipShare Groups’, which is another way to share video.
"After creating a FlipShare Group, users and their friends can access their videos from FlipShare.com and through the FlipShare Mobile apps that are now available for iPhone, iPad and Android. Within FlipShare Groups users can comment, read and post messages on each other’s videos and Groups,” said Cisco.
If you’re already a FlipSharer, you’ll be prompted to download the upgrade next time you open the FlipShare application. Alternatively you can download it from FlipShare.com.
FlipShare mobile apps are also now available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android devices.
New Features for FlipShare:
- Create and manage FlipShare Groups
- Watch all your videos anywhere, anytime at FlipShare.com
- Comment on videos and read what others have posted in return
- Import contacts from your email address book
- Expanded greetings card library
- Enhanced video quality and performance for private email video sharing
Features for the Mobile App:
- Available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Android - with or without owning a Flip video camera
- Share up to five mobile videos and/or photos at once to Facebook, YouTube or Twitter - or send directly to friends and family
- Post a comment, share, or "favourite” a video with the click of a button
- Built-in filters let users quickly navigate and organise their video library
- Compatible with iPhone 3G or higher, iPod touch 2nd generation or higher, iPad Requires iOS 4.0.0 or higher, and Android 1.6 or higher
- Available now at iTunes Store and Android Market.