Game review: Rage
WHAT IS IT? A post-apocalyptic first-person shooter/driver from the developer that popularised first-person shooters back in 1993 with the release of a little game by the name of Doom. RAGE will feature RPG elements and vehicular combat in what promises to be one of the year's premier FPS titles.WHY SHOULD WE CARE? Because id Software has been working on this game for years, and it's already picked up a raft of IGN and Gametrailers "Best of E3" awards. Running the id Tech 5 engine, RAGE is consistently called the nicest-looking game of all time by game critics from around the world. There's actually an on-rails version already available for the iPhone, and if id can manage to get the game looking this hot on your phone, imagine what it will look like on your PC, PS3 or Xbox 360.