Genealogy blog: Smart search
Mon, 23rd May 2011
FYI, this story is more than a year old
Mocavo is a free genealogy site-specific search engine! This means we won't have to search using '~genealogy' to limit the hits to genealogy/family history web sites as all the sites being searched are genealogy sites. You still need to use quotation marks for the "forename surname" searches.
Search tips:
- Searches are not case sensitive, which means we can't search for 'Rose Bush', but because your search is limited to genealogy sites, you should find fewer results with 'a rose bush was planted....'
- Don't use NEAR to find a couple; this search is not recognised. Just enter the two names in quotation marks.
- A plus is that the search for "forename surname" also finds those entries where there is a second forename. So a search for "rose bush" would also turn up "rose martin bush".
Mocavo's blurb:
"A free search engine geared toward genealogists and people interested in learning more about their family history. Mocavo.com enables the search of more than 50 billion words – including billions of names, dates and places, all within fractions of a second. Mocavo.com fills an important industry need by providing the first large-scale, free search engine for family history research. Coupled with the speed and accuracy by which search results are produced, Mocavo.com represents a major technological breakthrough within the genealogy world."
Email your genealogy problems and questions to jansletters@yahoo.co.nz