Is the laptop dead?
There was a time when owning a laptop was uncommon and typically restricted to business people who travelled a lot for work. In recent years, however, owning a laptop has become the norm and they have even begun to replace desktop computers in many cases. Now, a new trend is on the rise: the tablet. Thanks to this latest innovation in the computer world, some people are beginning to wonder if the laptop is the next technology to be phased out, joining the VCR, Discman and record player in the realm of technological obsolescence. In this article we examine the laptop versus tablet debate and consider how/if the laptop can compete against the invasion of the tablet!THE BIRTH OF THE TABLETWe live in a society where technology moves so fast that many of us struggle to keep up! The laptop’s reign on personal computing has been long compared to many other technologies of today, and though we often saw newer, flashier, better versions of the laptop emerge, it was only a matter of time before something entirely new arrived on the scene to give the laptop a run for its money – cue the tablet! First of all, what is a tablet? This is something that experts can’t seem to agree on. Some argue that any computer with a touch screen qualifies as a tablet, while others say you need to be able to write on it with a pen, and some insist that screen size is the determining factor. In our opinion, the best way to think of a tablet is as a personal computing device that fits somewhere between a phone and a laptop. The first tablet many of us became familiar with was Apple’s iPad, officially introduced in January of 2010, and now the iPad2. Today, however, there are a number of similar devices to choose from, with many more on the horizon. The iPad is designed to be a mobile gadget, equipped with an e-reader, gaming device, digital photoand iPod. You can also download applications (or "apps”) offering special programs and functions related to all of the above uses and more. You can purchase these apps by visiting the App Store. The increasingly popular alternative to Apple’s iPad is the Android operating system, but you won’t notice any major differences between the two. You can use apps on Android devices as well, which can be purchased from the Android Market website. When Apple was gearing up to introduce the iPad, I can remember many of my friends and colleagues scoffing that it was "basically just a big iPhone” or a "giant iPod touch” and that it would "never take off.” Ironically, most of them now own iPads or some other form of tablet, and many have ditched their laptops altogether. Craig Richardson, Managing Director of Jade Software, discusses this issue by analogy, referring to the laptop as an endangered species. "There are two factors that can bring about an endangered species,” he explains. "A change in environmental conditions or a new predator. In this case, it is both.”A few factors came together at the right time to bring about the tablet: Smart devices were developed; cloud services became more available and reliable to fill business and daily life needs; and faster connectivity. With the massive consumerisation of the tablet, the laptop has struggled to keep up.BENEFITS OF THE TABLETRichardson conducted an informal experiment where he went for several weeks using only a tablet and found that it was very doable, if not preferable. During this time, he used his tablet while travelling through three different countries, managing approximately 300 people, conducting presentations and for personal use. Through this, he was able to pick out some of the major benefits of the tablet:
- Usability: the tablet is much more usable than the laptop with everything easily accessible and ready to go, rather than having to load things onto it as you would with a laptop.
- Battery life: This is a huge advantage, as tablets offer up to 10-12 hours of continuous battery life, even when using the device to stream videos, listen to music or play graphic-intensive games.
- Security: With the tablet, you aren’t carrying around masses of data, which is obviously beneficial from a security standpoint.
- Portability: The tablet is much lighter, smaller, thinner and more easily transportable than a bulky laptop. Not to mention you don’t have to sit around waiting for it to boot up.
- Extremely consumer driven: whereas the laptop is very much enterprise driven. Laptops are more or less enterprise IT made available to consumers, whereas the tablet is made for consumers.
- User interface substantially improved.
Only when tablets can keep up with the most efficient typists will there be any real reason to think they can take the place of a laptop, and the entire laptop market. Supporting interfaces such as multiple monitors, technical tools (e.g advanced audio equipment) and yes; keyboards, is a quintessential requirement for computers and, at present, this seems to conflict with the intended goals of tablet technology (i.e slim designs and touch technology).-Jackson Darlow: JD InnovationThe Notebook is not dead at all and the current popular 10 inch form factor "Pad” simply opens some evolutionary doors for the Notebook. Remember when we were told that the paperless office is here? Ironically, we now print much, much more than we once did.Is Mobility on the rise? YesIs the way we get Apps changing? YesNotebooks are about to face an evolutionary landmark where flexibility in form factor, touch-ability and graphic power take priority over processing power. I look at my iPad and I ask myself "why didn’t they make my Mac Book Pro touchable with a screen that pivots over the Keypad?” If so then I would throw the iPad away because I would get a bigger screen with more graphic punch and more connectivity options.Here is what I want to happen and so I am putting it out there. Notebook will change its colours and become more like the current very basic tablets, and the categories will weld back together with greater options on offer.Give me high res and a big screen that is touchy feely now please, I have been waiting too long.-Simon Scott: Director Supply Chains, AcquireI don’t think laptops are dead as such, I believe that we will see laptops take over desktops in the near future. Laptops continue to get more portable and powerful and now upgrades on laptops are easier than with desktops. Thanks to the new quad cores and amazing graphics technology, most laptops can compete with any desktop PC. I predict in 5-10 years we will all carry around a device as big as our iPhones and wirelessly connect to our speakers, power supply and external monitor. The technology is already available, and it’s not just in testing, it works! I can wireless stream my iPad and iPhone to my monitor. Most of my design clients have given their staff members laptops, which they dock when they come into work. You will notice as the internet opens up that laptops will start to become faster and smaller. There will be no need for DVDs or hard drive space, so more graphics and processing power will be adapted, as all your content will be stored externally and streamed to your devices.-Kyle Gibson: Technical Director, Underground DesignThere is no way that the tablet will phase out the laptop entirely, but what is for certain is that laptops and tablets will coexist together and we are starting to see this happening already. Especially in the business realm, tablets are being chosen over laptops for efficiency’s sake and also to avoid lugging a big laptop around town.-John Lai: Co-Founder/Creative Director, Social Media NZ