Labour: Rural broadband initiative 'massive policy failure'
The Labour Party is criticising the Commerce Committee's decision to block an inquiry into the rural broadband initiative.
Labour's ICT spokesperson Clare Curran is calling the RBI a 'massive policy failure and 'waste of money', slating the Committee's decision.
"The Government is about to spend an extra $150 million on a programme that isn't working. The RBI could prove to be one of the most misguided spends of this National Government," Curran says.
"Labour is fully committed to delivering a much better broadband experience for rural New Zealanders. We believe the rural broadband scheme has let down our regions and there is an urgent need for evaluation before more money is spent," she explains.
"Labour voted in favour of the inquiry but a majority decision by the National-dominated committee saw the bid voted down," Curran adds.
Curran cited a recent Northland survey that showed almost 86% of users were unhappy with their broadband internet services. Only 4% of the 1466 Northlanders surveyed were on ultra-fast broadband (UFB), with 75% on copper broadband and just over 1% still on dial-up.
A 2014 Colmar Brunton survey of rural households and businesses found nearly 70% felt left behind, restricted and frustrated with their internet services.
"In 2010 the government promised to deliver enhanced broadband connections to 252,000 households and businesses," Curran explains.
"Only 8,500 are connected to fixed wireless connections – that represents $7,000 per connection of the $60 million invested in that part of the programme.
She says, "The Minister and MBIE have admitted there has been no analysis of the $300 million expenditure to determine whether it has been effective and value for money.
"This is just another example of wasteful spending. The Government needs to connect all Kiwis, but do it smarter."