Latest Jobs film set to shame Ashton Kutcher's poor effort
Filming has finally begun on the new Steve Jobs biopic in California. With a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin and with Danny Boyle in the director's chair, the latest film set to immortalise the late Apple founder is getting a lot of attention.
The Sorkin film is the second major movie to be developed following Steve Jobs' death back in 2011. The previous film, Jobs, starred Ashton Kutcher as the lead and Josh Gad as Steve Wozniak. The attempt was met with little praise, with even Wozniak sharing his criticism. Kutcher as Jobs didn't garner much support either.
The new film has faced many hurdles prior to filming. Sony originally purchased rights to the film after buying Walter Isaacson's biography Steve Jobs (which the film is based on), only to dump it last year. David Fincher, who directed The Social Network, was slated to direct, but he also bowed out. Then Christian Bale dropped out of playing the lead role – a role he was offered without an audition.
Michael Fassbender of X-men fame has been cast as Bale's replacement, with Seth Rogen lined up to play Wozniak. Another big name attached to the film is Kate Winslet.
Shooting for the new film has begun in Jobs' old garage at his actual childhood home in Los Altos. Shooting will also take place in San Jose and Berkeley.
The film is rumoured to cover the introduction of the Macintosh computer, the reveal of the NeXT computer, and the big release of the iPod in 1984, 1988 and 2001 respectively.
With Sorkin and Boyle at the helm, the new film is becoming a highly anticipated portrayal of Steve Jobs. It should have no trouble outscoring Kutcher's efforts, with critiques including "Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs is like a gas-soaked rag that never gets the spark", it'll be interesting to see what else the new film can bring.