Monster Hunter: World roars its way to become the best selling Capcom game of all time
Capcom is a famous gaming publisher responsible for the likes of the Street Fighter and Resident Evil franchises. Despite those series being popular, 2018's Monster Hunter: World has become the company's biggest seller of all time.
Capcom announced via a new press release that the aforementioned Monster Hunter: World has now sold well over 7.5 million copies worldwide ever since it came out on January 26th, 2018. This figure also includes digital sales as well as traditional retail copies.
The reason for the game's big success is thanks to its simultaneous worldwide release on both the PS4 and Xbox One consoles. Previous games in the series were only out on one platform or had a delayed release in the West.
The sales numbers are sure to grow later this year once the game hits the PC. As of this moment, there are no official plans to port the game over to the Nintendo Switch yet but there is interest in it.
If you want to read our own review of the game, you can click here to see it. Are you one of the millions of people around the world that own Monster Hunter: World?