Moodle begins new phase of development
Moodle has released version three of its open source learning platform, and says this represents a new phase of development for the company.
Moodle 3.0 is based on the work of the core team at Moodle HQ as well as contributions from the global community, according to the company.
With this new update, the learning management system introduces new features to its quiz, forum and assignment modules together with functionality improvements for user, teacher and administration control.
Moodle 3.0 offers improvements and new features, including:
- New interactive quiz question types
- Editable forum email templates
- Ability to duplicate rows in assignment rubric interface
- Ability for default dashboard changes to reset all user's dashboard
- Ability to delete personal messages
- Backup functionality with new logging system
- Ability for students to see each other's contact details without global permission if they are able to see each other's course profile
Upgrades to this version should be simple from any previous version of Moodle, the company says.
As well as these new features, Moodle 3.0 begins a new direction in the growth and maturity of the learning platform, Moodle says.
This new phase of development will see Moodle HQ working on major new initiatives already under way, such as support for competency-based education and better interfaces and analytics.
Many new development projects will be commissioned directly via the community via the the soon-to-be-launched Moodle Users Association, the company says.
At it's core, however, this release displays how the company remains dedicated to its core educational mission of providing a free toolbox to support educators of all kinds in producing quick, effective spaces for collaborative learning.
Moodle is usable on every device, including offline mobile devices using the Moodle Mobile App. As always, being a true open source community product, this latest version of Moodle is a free download https://download.moodle.org/ or via Git.
Educators can also try it right now using the MoodleCloud service at https://moodle.com/cloud.
All existing sites have been automatically upgraded to Moodle 3.0, or educators can get a new site for free.
For paid services such as hosting, installation, customisation, training and much more, educators can talk to one of the official certified Moodle Partners at https://moodle.com/partners.