Over 6,000 schools take part in first Mathletics tri-nations challenge
3P Learning recently ran the inaugural Tri-Nations Challenge with over 6,000 schools from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa taking part.
1.5 million students were registered for the event, with Australian students proudly comprising of over half of the winners list.
Rebekah O'Flaherty, 3P Learning CEO and executive director says, "This is the first time we've created a challenge specifically for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and we've been blown away by the enthusiasm of the young mathematicians, especially the impressive results showing Australian students leading the way.
"Our Mathletics program is used by over 4 million students around the world, so there was some fierce competition between those taking part and a number of fantastic record-breaking achievements.
"We have had such a remarkable response for the first year running, so we look forward to hosting an even greater challenge next year," says Rebekah.
Key statistics from the Mathletics Tri-Nations Challenge 2017 include:
• Over 6000 registered schools
• Over 1.5 million registered students
• Over 2.5 million maths activities completed
• Curriculum Points: 288 749 320
• Live Mathletics Points: 55 321 094
• Total Points: 344 070 414
• Certificates awarded: 101 358
• Total Live Mathletics Games: 2 357 141
The idea behind the Mathletics Tri-Nations Challenge was to encourage students to have a bit of fun while improving mathematical fluency for primary and secondary students.
At the same time, Mathletics wanted to create a strong sense of community as each student earned participation points that count not only towards their personal points total but that of their school.
The Mathletics Tri-Nations Challenge was open to students from Kindergarten to Year 10, with engaging activities appropriate for all year levels.
Split into two rounds, students from registered schools were able to access the program for a training period the week prior to the official competition.
Thousands of dollars' worth of prizes will be awarded by the top schools and students.
Mathletics is an online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond.
Courses aligned to Australian Curriculum maths standards across the primary and secondary years are matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers.
Mathletics supports and caters to each teacher's unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.