Real-life online dating stories
I was very reticent to try online dating due to all of the bad things you read and hear, but at the end of the day it is just one more venue for meeting people. Doesn't really matter how/where you meet someone. The first time you see someone whether it be at the gym, at a bar, at a social function you don't really know them. You're usually attracted by looks and then you hope they have a nice personality to go with the looks.The internet does give you a chance to see if they are articulate, intelligent, witty, etc. before you meet them. Takes a long time to get to know someone really well and the internet is just a starting point. Also, in a smaller city you often only need to talk for a few minutes and you discover that you know someone in common.People of all ages seem to be using it with success. A friend's daughter met her husband online, some good friends of my partner met online and they were in their 60's, even one of my 80 year old mother's friends met a man and they just got married (both in their 70's), so I guess you never know. Saves joining a million groups, etc. hoping to meet someone so it's good for people that are busy and don't have time to join a ton of things.-Pam, 55I met my wife using an online dating service. I was extremely sceptical that I would have any success with online dating and to be honest, I thought that people who turned to the internet to find love were desperate, anti-social people who had no other options. But when my fiancée at the time left me broken-hearted in a strange city, I felt so alone and felt that I had nothing to lose. It was the best decision of my life. I met Angela* and we are now married and I couldn't be happier. I would encourage anybody to give it a try.-Steven, 31I have never tried online dating and never thought it would be something I was open to. But after several years hitting the bar scene with no luck, and after hearing that several of my friends have had success using online services, I am about to sign up myself. Wish me luck!-Alyssa, 20