Review: Pebble Smartwatch
The Pebble Smartwatch was originally created from a Kickstarter campaign. It's just released the Pebble Steel with orders outstripping supply. Is wearable technology really where it's all going?
Pebble managed to raise the required funding within days. It was one of those products that seemed to offer a solution to everyone's problems.
With Android and iOS connectivity, battery life of a week and the ability to update and add new apps simply, tech addicts snapped them up at about $150 each. Their goal was met within 2 hours.
I managed to get my hands on a Pebble and having played with it for a couple of weeks, the watch has really lived up to the hype.
I've charged it once, this is mainly due to it's e-ink screen that means charging is not a daily occurrence. It does have backlighting but the e-ink means no glare on the screen and it is viewable in pretty much any light. It's also waterproof so doesn't need to be removed if you're at the beach or having a shower.
It really does do pretty much anything. With the new Pebble app store, new apps are being released constantly. From notification apps that do emails, messages and your Calendar. Music control apps, sleep timers, even ones that link in with Runkeeper.
There's also thousands of watch faces to match your mood for the day! The other benefit is being able to set an alarm that notifies just you through vibrations.
There is one down side. Lots of people don't know what it is and with you checking your watch, they have an impression that you're OCD about the time!
- Long battery life
- Helps you work smarter and more efficient
- Customisable apps and faces
- Not the prettiest of devices
- Not much two way communication
The Pebble is the first of the wearable tech revolution that will undoubtedly be the next big thing, it's a companion rather than a replacement to your phone and you will look a bit of a geek wearing it! I can't recommend it enough to enable you to keep that phone in your pocket!
Score: 4/5