Skyrim download pack releasing next month
The next downloadable content pack for Skyrim has been detailed and will be released early next month.
Dragonborn, the third DLC pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will release on December 4 on Xbox Live for 1600 Microsoft Points.
A new trailer reveals some details that will most likely carry over into the new content, including a new antagonist – the first Dragonborn himself.
The new trailer is certainly the most impressive of the three content packs so far, but it remains to be seen how well executed the new stuff is – Hearthfire, the second DLC pack, copped a fair bit of criticism for containing bugs that locked up some of the new content.
Most exciting about the new trailer is the end, however, where a mighty dragon flies across the screen. With a rider on its back. So it looks fairly plausible you might be able to ride dragons in the latest addition to the Skyrim universe. Awesome.
Less awesome is the news for PC and PS3 gamers, as there has been no hint yet of the DLC releasing on either platform.
The first two expansions both became available on PC 30 days after their Xbox release, so PC users can rest at ease knowing they will probably be riding dragons before Christmas.
PS3 users should probably not hold their breaths, as always.