Smartphones hitch final ride into space
With world domination well underway, smartphones arebeginning their expansion into space, with the space shuttle Atlantis takingtwo iPhone 4’s and a handful of Samsung Nexus S models to assist the astronautswith their with experiments.
The ‘space-certified’ iPhones are equipped with a specialapp called SpaceLab for iOS that will help astronauts conduct four experiments,called Limb Tracker, Sensor Cal, State Acq and LFI.
The app is also available from the iTunes Store for users on Earth who want toexperience a sense of what the astronauts will be doing, although theexperiments themselves are simulated to account for the presence of gravity.
Meanwhile, the Nexus S models are to be used to boost thecomputing power of several experimental remote-controlled robots called SPHERES(Synchronised Position Hold, Engage, Reorient Experimental Satellites).
These SPHERES are small, CO2-powered orbs which are used byastronauts to perform routine maintenance. It is hoped the addition of theSamsung smartphones, providing both a camera and a boost in computing power,will allow the SPHERES to be operated by remote-control from Earth, allowing astronautsto focus on more important tasks.
Friday's launch was the last for NASA's thirty-year shuttle programme, with scientists expected to have to rely on private funding for any future explorations.
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