Sony may have won E3 2015 with epic announcements
Sony may have had the best press conference ever at E3 2015 by revealing mega announcements. E3 2015 may have been one of the best E3 events of all time. However, Sony's announcements earlier today put the whole internet in overload by revealing three "secret" titles. The first of the big three is that The Last Guardian exists. The game had been missing in action over the last few years. It has now been revived and will hit the PS4 in 2016. The Last Guardian showed a great trailer. Fans of Ico will like it as the game looks similar and has the same partner-like style of platform gameplay. The next big announcement is that Shenmue III is being made. The Shenmue series were popular, but a third game was never made. Thankfully a third game is coming. Shenmue III has to be funded by fans on Kickstarter and will be out for PS4 and PC. The Kickstarter page crashed due to high demand. The game is likely to have been funded already. It needs $2 million and over $1 million has already been made.
Arguably, the biggest announcement ever (yes I said ever) at E3 is that a proper remake for Final Fantasy 7 is in production. This is not the shoddy PSOne port to PS4 that was announced a few months ago. Square Enix scrapped the cheap port and will remake Final Fantasy 7 for the PS4 from the ground up. It will be released for the PS4 first. You can say it's a timed exclusive. A 2017 release is estimated, but not confirmed. If that wasn't enough, Sony revealed a lot of other cool things. Guerilla Games revealed an awesome looking new IP called "Horizon Zero Dawn". It's a 3D action RPG set in a beautiful post-apocalyptic open world. LittleBigPlanet developer, Media Molecule, also revealed a new PS4 game called "Dreams". You can create your own dreams and share them with other people. It will get your creative brains working that's for sure. Also, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will get DLC on PlayStation platforms first. This is a surprise as DLC usually came out on Xbox platforms before anywhere else before. Lastly, we saw new single player footage from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It looks great on the PS4 as the levels are larger than before. It also allows you to drive vehicles. The new footage showed Nathan Drake driving a jeep. Overall, E3 2015 was very exciting. However, Sony won in my opinion with the trio of The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue III.