Super Rub a Dub – PS3
I know what you're thinking. What exactly is Super Rub a Dub? Well, it's a game that relies a lot on your ability to react. If you're the uncoordinated type, you'll certainly have your work cut out for you. The basic premise to the game is save/sink the ducks, avoid the shark and various other obstacles (your own lack of coordination could very well be one of these obstacles) and successfully jump, flip, weave and bob your way in and out of the cutesy looking water logged bathtubs.
The emphasis here is to take advantage of the PS3 controller's sixaxis technology. It can be done but it takes a lot of practice and patience!
The element of repetitive game play is definitely there but you'll be surprised at just how addictive a game as basic as this can be. If all you want to do is kick back and kill a little time, Super Rub a Dub will be right up your alley.
Super Rub a Dub is available for download via the PlayStation Network.