Three advanced robots making sci-fi technology a reality
Androids, mechs and robots are prominently featured throughout science fiction and these machines are often hyper-advanced.
Thus, it is common belief that we are still decades away from creating robots even remotely as complex as those presented in sci-fi.
Yet, super robots are real and they aren't the stumbling messes you expect.
Here are three advanced robots making sci-fi technology a reality AsimoAsimo is the culmination of two decades of robotics research by Honda engineers.
It can run and walk on uneven slopes and surfaces, climb stairs and grasp objects.
Asimo comes complete with an onboard AI, allowing it to comprehend and respond to simple voice commands.
One of Asimo's most advanced features is its ability to recognise different faces.
Asimo can also map out its environment to avoid obstacles.
Asimo is still in development as Honda continues to expand on its skill set.
The end goal is for Asimo to serve as a utility droid, performing tasks that are considered too dangerous for humans.
Kuratas is a large rideable mech built by Suidobashi Heavy Industry.
The vehicle weighs approximately 4,500 kgs and is an asstounding 4 metres high.
This robot can be crewed by one person, the operator sitting within the body of the mech with the control interface in front of them.
Kuratas can also be remotely controlled via an app.
Kuratas has a top speed of 10 kms and can easily traverse difficult terrain.
The mech also features three non-lethal weapon systems, including twin gatling guns that can fire 6,000 BB bullets a minute.
Kuratas prototype can be purchased from Amazon for a mere US$1.3 million.
Atlas is the latest in a line of advanced humanoid robots created by Boston Dynamics.
Atlas is designed to balance while moving across nearly any surface, while simultaneously performing tasks.
This robot can open doors, climb stairs and carry boxes that weigh up to 11 kgs.
Atlas can rebalance almost instantaneously when it's knocked off balance.
This robot will also relentlessly track its payload if it is prematurely removed from its grasp.
The current version of Atlas is designed to operate and complete tasks in warehouses, with future designs aimed at making Atlas a fire fighting assistant.