Waterboy app takes social media to the sidelines
Grassroots sports clubs, school teams, players and fans are now able to connect through the social sports app 'Waterboy', launched this week by Former All Black Kees Meeuws and business partner Christian Kasper.
Waterboy gives those on the sidelines the opportunity to broadcast sports events live, sharing the updates with an online audience and inviting them to interact. Kees Meeuws came up with the concept after finding it difficult to keep up with his kids' sporting activities when his professional rugby career took him away from home.
"Using Waterboy, my wife and other parents can update the kids' games live from the sideline," he explains. "They can also share updates with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, creating this big audience for our local Dunedin rugby club.
There are several ways to use the Waterboy app. Sports clubs and schools are able to sign up online and use Waterboy to broadcast games live, while communicating with members, friends and supporters. Fans are able to join in the conversation either from the sideline, or remotely if they are unable to attend the game.
"Waterboy gives grassroots sports a voice and lets anyone participate in the excitement that happens from north to south, east to west," says Meeuws. "It's live and completely subjective.
Waterboy is supported by a number of high profile sports personalities including Ma'a Nonu, Tamati Ellison and former Wallaby George Smith. The Brumbies are currently trialling the app.
Meeuws says that Waterboy shows sport from every angle, not just one. " It's a really fun and simple way to connect people who love to follow sport of any kind, across the country and the world!"
Download the waterboy app from the iTunes app store, or for more information visit the website at http://www.waterboyapp.com