What are your best PlayStation Memories?
With the PS4 now released, a new generation of gaming has arrived. However, the PS4 wouldn't exist if it weren't for the previous consoles.
New Zealand has always been known to be a "PlayStation Nation" and this is true even today. PlayStation has been the most popular gaming console in the country ever since it arrived in the mid-1990s. I for one joined the bandwagon early as my family bought the PSOne back in 1997. It was the first video game console we owned, and the one that would make me a gamer for life.
The first ever game we got was Tekken 2. The graphics for the game are very outdated now, but it still gives me fond memories whenever I play it. However, my favourite PSOne franchise has to be Crash Bandicoot. I still own copies of all the Naughty Dog developed Crash Bandicoot games and they are still one of my favourite games of all time. The graphics are still good, even when playing it in 2013.
The year 2000 brought the PS2 to New Zealand. It was quite expensive at first, but my brother bought one a year later in 2001 when it wasn't $1000. By that time, there were more games to play on it too. Not to mention I thought the graphics were so realistic at the time. It was a huge graphical leap over the blocky look that most PSOne games had...
I may have started on the PSOne, but the PS2 is my favourite gaming console ever. There were so many quality games for the system, it would take an eternity for me to name all of the games I loved playing on the PS2 as there were so many. Some of them include Okami, WWE: Here Comes the Pain, Metal Gear Solid 3, Gran Turismo 3, GTA III, Resident Evil 4 and Final Fantasy X. These games had great graphics, wonderful music and awesome gameplay. My fondest video game memories are from the PS2.
The PS3 had somewhat of a rocky start due to its expensive launch price. It launched with a very high price of $1200 when it came to New Zealand in March 2007. My brother and I steered clear of the PS3 at the time since it was way too expensive. It wasn't until 2008 that we decided to get one since they released the cheaper 40GB model.
The PS2 will remain my favourite system of all time, but there were a couple of good games on the PS3. My favourite PS3 game though has to be Heavy Rain. That game made me laugh so many times mainly because it was possible to "complete" the game by failing. The multiple endings made it possible for you to kill off some of the characters early in the game and let the bad guy win. I don't think I will play a game like Heavy Rain for a long time. Beyond: Two Souls was pretty good too, but it didn't have as many options as Heavy Rain did.
Now we are here in 2014 and the PS4 has been launched. I'm sure many gamers who pre-ordered will be happy since the system is pretty much sold out everywhere in New Zealand. Most retailers won't have new PS4 stock until 2014.
With that being said, the PS4 welcomes in a new generation of gaming experiences. My question is will the PS4 be able to dethrone the PS2 as my favourite video game system of all time?
Do you agree that the PS2 is the best PlayStation console? Tell us your thoughts below.