What does your digital learning journey look like?
The Ministry of Education is building a resource to assist schools as they introduce and integrate digital technology into their environment, and to do this they are encouraging schools to share their own experiences.
The initiative is in response to requests from schools for more resources to support the use of digital technologies. The targeted audience is school leaders, teaching professionals, support staff in schools, and other groups such as Professional Learning and Development providers and researchers.
The Ministry is interested in learning what digital tools, applications, practices and strategies schools are using to meet learning and achievement objectives. Areas of interest are teaching, learning, leadership, administration, and community engagement.
To help facilitate the collection of material, some schools will have the opportunity to work with providers of multi-media products. Together they will create inspiring and easy-to-access web resources that illustrate the digital learning journey for schools, communities, teachers and students. The Ministry is also covering the cost of the development of the resources, with relief provided to schools where there is significant input required from a teacher or teaching principal.
The final result will be a repository of products that can be easily found, accessed and shared online. They will be available from Te Kete Ipurangi (www.tiki.org.nz), and schools will have the opportunity to use the resources on their own websites and for their own use.
For more information, see http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Ministry-initiatives/Sharing-examples-of-learning-with-digital-technologies