Yoobee campus stores to close - Updated
TechDay has heard from several sources that Renaissance is planning to close their Yoobee campus stores. These stores had been previously know as either MagnumMac or StudentIT before being renamed Yoobee in recent years. The stores are located at Auckland University/AUT, Otago University, and Victoria University in Wellington.
When contacted by TechDay to confirm or quash the rumours Renaissance operations manager Steve McLean declined to comment.
Our sources say the closures could take effect as early as the end of March, with employees apparently being told about the closures last week, one source says. It is unclear whether they will be incorporated into other Yoobee stores, as the company does have shops at other locations in each of the cities where the campus stores are located.
UPDATE: The rumour appears to have been correct with the company's three campus stores closing last Friday, March 30. TechDay understands most staff members were made redundant.
In the age of extremely slim margins for retailers, can students really expect a better deal on their computer equipment than other consumers? Post your comments below.