About Owen

Owen McCarthy
Owen McCarthy has had a long love affair with all things technical since the dawn of the computer age. A child of the 1960’s, he agrees with legendary author, Douglas Adams, that digital watches were a pretty neat idea. By the 1980’s Owen was learning how to code using C and by the turn of the century, he was teaching HTML to enthusiastic youngsters. These days, Owen can be found pestering editors for new technology to review on an annoyingly regular basis. In his spare time, he rides motorcycles of the three-wheeled variety, studies theology, aqua-jogs, and works hard to honour his late wife’s request to live a joy-filled life.
Stories by Owen - Page 11

Storage & recording: A new force awakens
Tue, 12th Jan 2016
The other day I sat entranced as I was introduced to a new generation of Heroes in the Star Wars story. A similar event has occurred in another field.

Hands-on review: Trend Micro Maximum Security 10
Mon, 14th Sep 2015
digital entertainment
Review: New antivirus software impresses with easy installation and interactive interface. No major flaws found. Simple to use.

PDF Converter Elite 4: When you need that information reformatted
Fri, 24th Jul 2015
How often have you wanted the content of a .pdf file in a Word format, or that table in Excel? PDF Converter Elite may be what you’re looking for.